Sunday, 21 February 2010

Poem 23

and a tricky, trickfull, trickster
fifteen februaries came and went
from me you’ve walked
a lost twin
the golden bag of tricks
with an ace of diamonds
they say we only betray
those we truly love
under the leaves of the turkey oak
you’ve smiled me
sealing the broken promise

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Poem 22

pomegranates, limes, persimmons, loquats
newton’s apple at my feet
i dream of you
downstairs, facing the moon
my mirrored image
tells me of charms and idle days
spent under the polar star
grapefruit, mangoes, avocados, raspberries
and newton’s apple at my feet
a night’s clarity salted with grey
peppered lollipop, dried tears
shining glass, paper dust
a thousand glowing afternoons,
i dream of you

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Haiku 4

lustres de papel, luz acesa
vagaroso correr do tempo
alegre o dia